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I’m Going To Build Myself A House

By August 13, 2014August 17th, 2018Construction Marketing

I’m Going To Build Myself A House

Abandoned and rundown house.I had this wonderful idea pop in to my head recently. Let me tell you about it. I am going to build my own house. Yes, it’s really exciting isn’t it?  Those who know me will think that I have taken leave of my senses! But, I am determined.

“Have you ever built a house before?”

“Do you mean you are going to pay a builder to build the house for you?”  Apologetically, I answer, “No”

“Have you had this project costed?”

“Will you be able to complete it?    “Do you know where to start?”

“Who is your Architect?”

I hadn’t thought about these matters but in my mind they were not insurmountable. Well, I simply brushed off these ‘negative’ comments. After all, this was a brilliant idea. But where do you start?

Site Visits

I started my new idea by visiting other building sites and watched as each skilled artisan carried out their trade with the expertise of many years. They seemed to know exactly what to do and when to do it. It was such an enjoyable experience that I began to ask questions about quantities and methods, timing and skill sets. As time passed I realised that this brilliant idea was going to be a lot more difficult than I had imagined.

A Bull In A China Shop

That is what my mom used to call me as a young lad. Usually because I acted first and then thought about it afterwards. So, I arrived at our plot of land and began to dig ditches, just as I had seen the ground workers do on another site. It was back breaking work but after a week I thought I had more or less dug the size of house we would live in. I had determined – I’m going to build myself a house.

The next step was ordering the cement. How much did I want was the question? I’m really not sure. But, just enough to fill my trenches to the correct depth.  The very patient lady on the other end of the phone kept asking me questions about my drawings or asked if I had a Bill of Quantities.  Maybe I should call your Architect she said. That was not going to be easy – I didn’t have one.     Audit Puzzle Showing Auditor Validation Scrutiny Or Inspection

I started Thinking

I arrived at the site the next day only to be greeted by a very ‘interested’ man. He had obviously come to appreciate my trenches. Maybe he even wanted me to build him a house once mine was completed. He shook my hand and asked if I had planning permission for this house. Planning permission I asked?

What is planning permission I asked nervously? Hmmm, he thought I was joking but proceeded to gently inform me of the right way of building a house. You need an Architect, Project Manager and a reputable builder to get this job well done.

Before he left, he gave me  a list of recommendations. Reading through it  I realised that building a house isn’t as easy as I had thought.   Architects

Am I really building A House?

No! In a word. I wouldn’t entertain an idea like that because I know that there is so much more involved in building a house. Watching others and asking questions isn’t going to help me build a house.  A crazy idea really! Yet, many construction business owners will set out to market their construction services or products in the same way as I ‘dreamed’ of building my own house!

No Plan of Action and  like me thinking of building a house with no idea of what it would entail. I had a vague idea but no plans. I was sincere but didn’t know where I was headed.  Incredible zeal but no experience.

What Architects / Surveyors / Builders Can Do

When an artisan sets out to build a house it will be on a very good foundation. So, I have set out two essential elements below for you to follow that will hopefully help you to build your marketing on a firm foundation.

1. Carry out a Marketing Audit – This will tell you much about your business.  Here is my helping hand – Click this LINK

2. Then put your business plans in place based upon your Audit. Click here for help.


See you soon…




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